Since the beginning of Community Church Tampa, we have had a focus on Jesus' command to take the gospel and make disciples of every tribe and nation. As a church body, we support twelve individuals or families.

They are dotted around the globe in places like Uruguay, China, Guatemala, and England ministering in the areas of church planting, Biblical education, collegiant ministry, and teaching English as a second language. In the States they have ministries with students at Mizzou, our local Tampa high schools, and immigrants.


Bob & Ann Henriques with Central American Mission in Guatemala working in theological education.

Fred & Barbara Kornis, although living stateside, Fred spends a good portion of the year in countries like India and Nicaragua.

"The Smiths" in China.

Keith & Celeste Small with Avant Ministries in England.

Tim & Kari Willoughby, church planters in Uruguay.

Mark & Patty Bogart with The Navigators in Jamaica.


Chris & Kristin Gadsden with Faculty Commons (Campus Crusade for Christ) at Mizzou.

Bruce & Alba Sewell with hispanic ministry in the Tampa area.

Emmanuel & Adugna Tahear working in evangelism and discipleship in the Chicago area.

Zenon & Sue Andrusyshyn with Zenon Ministries, Inc. ministering to students in local high schools.